LIFEx reads DICOM images locally or over a network using a DICOM browser, is compatible with Osirix and includes a powerful 3D reconstruction-based slice viewer. Volume of interest (VOI) can be either imported from previously created files or drawn and manipulated using LIFEx. Results are exported in Excel format files. LIFEx runs on Windows, MacOs and Linux. It is distributed with examples and includes a tutorial. User support is offered. Users can optionally contribute to the gathering of index values in different tissue types and different images as a public data bank of reference values is currently being built and integrated to the software for assisting the users with the interpretation of their results.

version 6.20 - Fri Jui 9 19pm CEST 2020
What's been added, changed or updated in this new release?
Here's a list of the most notable additions, changes or updates in LIFEx v6.20
- added: Series merger tool
- added: writing of DICOM-RTStruct is available to save ROI
- added: internal frames in application ; by default, all application frames are now gathered in a single frame. The separated frame format can still be set using the parameter settings menu
- added: Sag alone layout template
- added: Cor alone layout template
- added: Laplacian of Gaussian image filter supported
- added (Texture protocol): availability of Laplacian of Gaussian filter before calculation
- added (Texture protocol): availability of Laplacian of Gaussian filter in texture script
- added (MTV protocol): addition of new ZYX spacing of series in xls file result
- fixed issue (Texture protocol): "Sorry, but no ROI is defined. Please define an ROI and start again" in texture scripts
- improved: properties file is now in xml format to support Russian characters
- improved: selected time frame of timing series for MIP display is available (and not fixed only at time 0)
- improved: opening multi-modalities dicom (example:CT + RT-STRUCT + RT-DOSE) in the same directory automatically creates their corresponding DICOMDIR
- deleted: all vertical layout protocols